Dogs of any size and breed can develop hip dysplasia, but the condition is especially common in medium and large breed dogs. The incidence of hip dysplasia in some purebred dogs can reach as high as 70%.
Cutting Edge Surgical Referrals is a mobile surgical practice offering a wide range of orthopedic surgeries (and soft-tissue surgeries) throughout Miami-Dade, Broward, and Monroe counties. We are highly experienced in performing hip surgeries to treat hip dysplasia in dogs and improve the patient’s comfort, mobility, joint range of motion, and overall quality of life.
What is Dog Hip Dysplasia, and What are the Signs?
Hip dysplasia is one of the most common causes of canine arthritis of the hips and is often hereditary. The condition is characterized by abnormal function of the hip joint. The hip joint is a ball and socket joint, with the femur fitting into the pelvic socket. If the joint does not develop and function properly, these bones will rub and grind together, and this will further degrade the joint and reduce the dog’s quality of life. Dog hip dysplasia is painful and debilitating, and without timely treatment will inevitably lead to arthritis.

Signs of Hip Dysplasia in Dogs
Notable signs of hip dysplasia in dogs can include:
- Abnormal gait (such as “bunny hopping” to compensate)
- Reluctance to play or exercise
- Reluctance to go up or down the stairs
- Slow to get up/lay down
- Lameness
- Reluctance to jump or stand on hind legs
- Reduced muscle mass in the hip area
- Pain (vocalizations, shaking, sleeping more often, eating less)
Surgery to Treat Hip Dysplasia in Dogs
Hip dysplasia is diagnosed with the aid of radiographs and hip scoring tests. PennHIP testing is recommended for certain dog breeds when they are still young, so veterinarians can assess for the dog’s potential for developing hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis later in life.
Dr. Cabrera can perform FHO surgery (femoral head ostectomy) to improve the function of the hip joint and reduce arthritis pain. FHO surgery is a salvage procedure and involves removing the head and neck of the femur (the ball-like section at the top of the bone) to stop the bone-on-bone contact. This also creates a false joint to restore some stability.
Pets that undergo the FHO procedure will require rehabilitation afterward to improve their range of motion and weight-bearing ability.